
Kevin Mills has extensive experience in national and regional public affairs initiatives and in managing diplomatic, government, criminal policy and public safety relations. He had a career spanning more than three decades at the UK’s national crime agency and has worked in many Latin and Caribbean countries. For the past 15 years he has lived in the region and led cooperation projects from various British diplomatic missions.

Daniela Suárez, Colombian political scientist and expert in security and transnational crime. Colombian political scientist and expert in security and transnational crime. She is a renowned speaker, academic and teacher who has given keynote presentations at several national and international seminars and has developed criminal policy and institutional relations throughout the hemisphere. She is the author of several articles and publications.

Kevin Mills  tiene amplia experiencia en iniciativas de asuntos públicos nacionales y regionales y en la gestión de relaciones diplomáticas, gubernamentales, política criminal y seguridad ciudadana. Tuvo una carrera de más de tres décadas en la agencia nacional contra el crimen del Reino Unido y ha trabajado en muchos países latinos y del caribe.

Durante los últimos 15 años ha vivido en la región y ha liderado proyectos de cooperación desde varias misiones diplomáticas británicas. Ahora es consultor para la firma de abogados estadounidenses Gordon Thomas Honeywell y consultor experto para la Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo en Washington D.C.

Kevin ha trabajado con entidades de justicia, policiales, inteligencia, militares y ONGs en toda América Latina y se ha asociado con agencias gubernamentales y federales de Estados Unidos y Europa, entre otros países, en programas de cooperación estatal.

A lo largo de su carrera, Kevin ha dirigido y asesorado estrategias y técnicas contra el crimen organizado transnacional, incluido el uso de tecnologías forenses, digitales, y cibernéticos. Ha liderado muchos casos de connotación nacional e internacional y es experto en investigación judicial.

Kevin nació y creció en el Reino Unido, donde obtuvo su título en Criminología y un posgrado en Justicia Penal Internacional. También tiene un diploma de posgrado en Gestión de Políticas Públicas de AIPM en Sydney, Australia.

Daniela Suárez, politóloga colombiana experta en seguridad y crimen transnacional. Es una reconocida conferencista, académica y docente que ha realizado presentaciones magistrales en varios seminarios nacionales e internacionales y ha desarrollado políticas criminales y relaciones institucionales en todo el hemisferio. Es autora de varios artículos y publicaciones.

Tiene 12 años de experiencia trabajando en toda América Latina en asuntos relacionados con el crimen, la justicia y la seguridad, tanto a nivel operativo como de políticas. Trabajó como asesora en análisis de dinámicas criminales para la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito y otros cinco años como coordinadora del Think Tank “Ideas Disruptivas contra el Crimen” y la “Estrategia contra el Narcotráfico” dentro de la Fiscalía General de Colombia, donde dirigió proyectos de investigación para combatir las economías ilícitas, el cibercrimen, el terrorismo y el crimen organizado.

Ahora es consultora para la firma de abogados estadounidenses Gordon Thomas Honeywell y Directora Ejecutiva de una ONG con sede en Estados Unidos llamada “Disruptive Ideas Foundation-DIF” destinada a desarrollar proyectos de crimen y justicia a través de la ciencia aplicada.

Daniela estudió Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Antioquia en Colombia y actualmente está finalizando su maestría en Ciberdelincuencia en la Universidad de Rioja en España. Ha realizado estudios especializados en Lucha contra el Terrorismo en el Instituto de Estudios de Seguridad Europeos en el Centro George Marshall en Garmisch, Alemania y recibió un premio de estudio llamado “Vigilancia Comunitaria y la Ley” del programa de Líderes Visitantes del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos en Washington D.C

Kevin Mills  has extensive experience in national and regional public affairs initiatives and in managing diplomatic, government, criminal policy and public safety relations. He had a career spanning more than three decades at the UK’s national crime agency and has worked in many Latin and Caribbean countries.

For the past 15 years he has lived in the region and led cooperation projects from various British diplomatic missions. He is now a consultant for the American law firm Gordon Thomas Honeywell and an expert consultant for the Pan American Development Foundation in Washington D.C.

Kevin has worked with justice, law enforcement, intelligence, military and NGO entities throughout Latin America and has partnered with government and federal agencies in the United States and Europe, among other countries, on state cooperation programs.

Throughout his career, Kevin has directed and advised on strategies and techniques against transnational organized crime, including the use of forensic, digital, and cyber technologies. He has led many cases of national and international significance and is an expert in judicial investigation.

Kevin was born and raised in the UK, where he earned his degree in Criminology and a postgraduate degree in International Criminal Justice. He also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy Management from AIPM in Sydney, Australia.

Daniela Suárez, Colombian political scientist and expert in security and transnational crime. She is a renowned speaker, academic and teacher who has given keynote presentations at several national and international seminars and has developed criminal policy and institutional relations throughout the hemisphere. She is the author of several articles and publications.

She has 12 years of experience working across Latin America on crime, justice and security issues, both at operational and policy levels. She worked as an advisor on criminal dynamics analysis for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and another five years as coordinator of the Think Tank “Disruptive Ideas against Crime” and the “Strategy against Drug Trafficking” within the Attorney General’s Office of Colombia, where she led research projects to combat illicit economies, cybercrime, terrorism and organized crime.

She is now a consultant for the American law firm Gordon Thomas Honeywell and Executive Director of a US-based NGO called “Disruptive Ideas Foundation-DIF” aimed at developing crime and justice projects through applied science.

Daniela studied Political Science at Universidad de Antioquia in Colombia and is currently completing her Master’s degree in Cybercrime at the University of La Rioja in Spain. She has completed specialized studies in Counterterrorism at the Institute for European Security Studies at the George Marshall Center in Garmisch, Germany, and received a study award called “Community Policing and the Law” from the Visiting Leaders program of the United States Department of State in Washington D.C.

8th Edition

Forensic Finding of the Year DNA HIDS 2024

(May 14 and 15)

GTH DNA’s highly anticipated annual “Forensic Hit of the Year” presentation returns this season with more exciting investigative stories from around the world. You will be able to watch it on-line next May 14, 2024, during the Human Identification Solutions Virtual Conference (HIDS). As always, this year’s program reviewed several interesting cases to compile and showcase the best forensic findings that utilized DNA databases in unique and effective ways. This program continues to raise global awareness of the incredible value of DNA databases in solving and preventing crimes, identifying missing persons and exonerating the innocent.


DNA-related legislation:

Bill of November 8, 2012: Download. The legislative proposal to create a DNA database in Bolivia began with the bill called the «Boliviano» Criminal Identification System (SIBIC), with the aim of applying biometric authentication and information technologies to register and determine the identity of criminals. This proposal was presented in the 2015-2016 legislature with number 0682015-16 and in the 2016-2017 legislature with number 028/201617.

Existing DNA databases

National Registry of Genetic and Fingerprinting Service administered by the Forensic Research Institute.



Law 1398 of 2018 / Bill No. 05630, April 18, 2000. DNA: Database Law and Bank.

(Congress of the Republic of Peru – Link)

Existing DNA databases

Missing persons database Led by the National Police.