Justicia Forense – DNA Latin America. Mexico

The purpose of these meetings is to promote the use of DNA in criminal investigation and to strengthen the use of technological and scientific tools that increase the success of judicial institutions in the search for truth and the clarification of crimes.

Justicia Forense – DNA Latin America was in Mexico from February 23 to 27, 2023, holding important meetings with officials from the Attorney General’s Office in Mexico City and the Department of Experts of the State of Mexico in the City of Toluca. The intention of these meetings is to promote the use of DNA in criminal investigation and strengthen the use of technological and scientific tools that increase the success of judicial institutions in the search for the truth and the clarification of crimes.

During the course of this visit, a technical meeting was held with the General Coordinator of the crime scene investigation and forensic science laboratories in the city of Toluca, Mr. Carlos Diaz de León, and several members of his DNA laboratory, legal team, heads of genetics area and database managers. At this technical roundtable, relevant aspects of the justice system and forensic capacity were discussed, and officials gave an honest and detailed breakdown of their workload and challenges. One of the outcomes of our meeting was the agreement to sign a memorandum of understanding to formalize our technical assistance.


8th Edition

Forensic Finding of the Year DNA HIDS 2024

(May 14 and 15)

GTH DNA’s highly anticipated annual “Forensic Hit of the Year” presentation returns this season with more exciting investigative stories from around the world. You will be able to watch it on-line next May 14, 2024, during the Human Identification Solutions Virtual Conference (HIDS). As always, this year’s program reviewed several interesting cases to compile and showcase the best forensic findings that utilized DNA databases in unique and effective ways. This program continues to raise global awareness of the incredible value of DNA databases in solving and preventing crimes, identifying missing persons and exonerating the innocent.


DNA-related legislation:

Bill of November 8, 2012: Download. The legislative proposal to create a DNA database in Bolivia began with the bill called the «Boliviano» Criminal Identification System (SIBIC), with the aim of applying biometric authentication and information technologies to register and determine the identity of criminals. This proposal was presented in the 2015-2016 legislature with number 0682015-16 and in the 2016-2017 legislature with number 028/201617.

Existing DNA databases

National Registry of Genetic and Fingerprinting Service administered by the Forensic Research Institute.



Law 1398 of 2018 / Bill No. 05630, April 18, 2000. DNA: Database Law and Bank.

(Congress of the Republic of Peru – Link)

Existing DNA databases

Missing persons database Led by the National Police.